7:30 PM19:30

Basic Rights Workshop

Tucker Elementary School, Library

187 Blue Hills Parkway

The Milton SEPAC invites you to join us for our first workshop of the 2018-2019 school year, in partnership with the Federation for Children with Special Needs. This workshop will help you better participate in the team process, collaborate with the team, and advocate for your child.

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6:30 PM18:30

Understanding School Refusal in Children and Teens

This workshop will cover warning signs that your child is experiencing school refusal, home and school-based strategies that target these challenges, creating and implementing effective school reentry plans, and when to seek outside mental health treatment.

Please join us in the Keys Community Room as we welcome Dr. Ryan Ruth Conway, a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in treatment of children and adolescents at NESCA in Newton, MA. She recently founded NESCA's Back to School (BTS) program, an intensive treatment for school refusal. 

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Don't Limit Your Dreams!
7:00 PM19:00

Don't Limit Your Dreams!

"When I was diagnosed with autism and epilepsy at the age of 4 the doctors told my parents that I would never talk, or read, or learn. I would be their child for life. My family refused to accept that. Thanks to a lot of hard work today I am a college student, marathon runner, singer, music enthusiast, and a passionate public speaker. I want others to know that they should never limit their dreams. There will always be people who will doubt you and bring you down, but if you remain positive you can rise above them and succeed!!!! “

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7:00 PM19:00

SEPAC Board Meeting and Parent Speak

Please join us as we hear Special Education updates from Tracy Grandeau and learn about the work of the Inclusion Task force and how you can get involved.  We will also have time for Parent Speak - this is time for parents and caregivers to ask questions and/or share their concerns about Special Education in Milton.  We look forward to seeing you. 

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7:00 PM19:00

Basic Rights in Special Education

The Milton Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SEPAC) will be hosting the Federation for Children with Special Needs as they present Basic Rights in Special Education.  This is an extremely useful workshop if your child is just staring out in special education or if you are unfamiliar with special education law.

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7:00 PM19:00

Executive Function

Jackie Stachel, senior coach and director of communications for Beyond Book Smart, will present "Executive functions: Fit the Strategy to the Learning Profile."  Ms. Stachel will explain how intelligence and executive functions differ and trace the timeline of executive functions development in students. Parents and educators are welcome. 

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8:00 AM08:00

MDSC Annual Conference

Each spring, over 600 people with Down syndrome, their family members, health care professionals and educators from across New England attend our Annual Conference on Down syndrome. Participants gather to hear the latest research findings and timely information from national and local experts on a range of topics related to Down syndrome. They also share stories, celebrate victories, advocate for acceptance and inclusion, and reunite with other MDSC families. The conference features presentations that will appeal to families with young children through adulthood and families with children who have complex medical needs and autism. In addition, there will be presentations that will appeal to educators, medical professionals, and siblings of individuals with Down syndrome. 

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